9th Biology

9th Biology


Fundamental unit of life part 1: Introduction to cell and its types

If you see any building, house, or anything, it is made of bricks. Based on the arrangement of bricks, we get the design. In the same way, based on the arrangement of cells, the shape of an organism lie.

Fundamental unit of life part 2:Cell size and behaviour

Do you know, how each and every cell in your body or plant body takes in and gives out gases, liquids, and solids, means how cells breathe, eat, and drink

Fundamental unit of life part 3: Semi-autonomous organelles (Chloroplast, Nucleus, and Mitochondria)

To know interesting and surprising things going on in our body cells, especially organelles like semiautonomous (organelles that contain their own DNA and reproduce independently of the nucleus)

Fundamental unit of life part 4: Semi-autonomous organalles (Endoplasmic Reticulum,Ribosomes,and lysosomes)

Do you know that, there is an assembly area for the storage, processing, and packing of various cellular secretions? And also, something else like transporting materials from one place to another

Fundamental unit of life part 5: Cell wall ,Protoplasam ,Cytoplasam and Plasma Membrane

You should know that, how the cell wall helps in protection, why protoplasm is called a life-giving substance, the role of cytoplasm in making the organelles move within the cell

TISSUES (7 parts)

Tissue Part 1: Meristematic tissues

This video impresses you with supporting colourful images and is especially focused on plant tissues. This is the starting video on tissues, which explains Meristematic tissues, their types, characteristics, structure, location and function

Tissue Part 2: Permanant Tissue

This video helps you in getting very good knowledge on Dicot stem tissues like Vascular, Ground, Meristematic, and Dermal tissue and also in detail, very clearly, with colourful supporting pictures

Tissue Part 3:Epithelial Tissue

After watching this video, you would be able to know the structure, location and function of animal tissues and could easily notice the location of epithelial tissues, squamous or stratified epithelial tissue, cuboidal, columnar or ciliated epithelial tissue

Tissue Part 4: Connective tissue bone and and cartilage
Tissue Part 5: Connective tissue Blood

Every one of you has blood, circulating in your body from heart to body parts and from body parts to heart. What is that blood? With what it is made? What are its characteristics?

Tissue Part 6: Identification of blood groups

Anyone of you can check your blood group, with the help of an antiserum kit available in the market. whether it is A, B, AB or O, and even whether it is positive or negative.

Tissue part 7: Muscular and Nervous tissue


Introduction to show improvement in food resources

We are surrounded by multitude of varieties of life-form but to what extent can we actually identify them? In this video we are going to learn about the differences between the various living organisms surrounding us.

Crop yield improvement and crop production management

Ashray Akruti’s E- Learning program is developed to promote digital learning and improve the academic performance of hearing impaired children.

Technique to improve crop production, managing and protecting the produced crops
Animal Husbandry part 1 (Cattle and Poultry farming)
Animal Husbandry part 2 (Beekeeping and Pisciculture)


Introduction to diversity

We are surrounded by multitude of varieties of life-form but to what extent can we actually identify them? In this video we are going to learn about the differences between the various living organisms surrounding us.

Hierarchy of Classification

We have learned about the basis of classification among all living organisms, so now let us understand how classification actually works. In this video we are going to learn about the classification among the variety of life forms based on certain characteristics.

Plant Kingdom classifiacation

We are going to learn about the diversity within the plant kingdom with more details. We are going to learn about the different characteristics that help us in classifying various plants into different categories.

Animal Kingdom - Invertebrates

The previous video helped us learn how plants are classified based upon certain characteristics, so it is time to learn about animals now. In this video we will learn what are the characteristics that are taken into consideration while differentiating between types of animals.

Animal Kingdom - Vertebrates

As we have already gained knowledge on the classification of invertebrates, we can now move on to learning about animals with backbones. We will see how the animals with backbones or vertebrates are differentiated based on certain characteristics.

Nomenclature and activities

After learning about the animal kingdom and getting the knowledge on how to classify them based on their certain characteristics it is time to learn how to name these animals in a scientific way.


Adaptation in aquatic eco system part 2
Adaptation in aquatic eco system based on light penetration part 3


Fundamental unit of life part 1: Introduction to cell and its types

If you see any building, house, or anything, it is made of bricks. Based on the arrangement of bricks, we get the design. In the same way, based on the arrangement of cells, the shape of an organism lie.

Fundamental unit of life part 2:Cell size and behaviour

Do you know, how each and every cell in your body or plant body takes in and gives out gases, liquids, and solids, means how cells breathe, eat, and drink

Fundamental unit of life part 3: Semi-autonomous organelles (Chloroplast, Nucleus, and Mitochondria)

To know interesting and surprising things going on in our body cells, especially organelles like semiautonomous (organelles that contain their own DNA and reproduce independently of the nucleus)

TISSUES (7 parts)

Tissue Part 1: Meristematic tissues

This video impresses you with supporting colourful images and is especially focused on plant tissues. This is the starting video on tissues, which explains Meristematic tissues, their types, characteristics, structure, location and function.

Tissue Part 2: Permanant Tissue

This video helps you in getting very good knowledge on Dicot stem tissues like Vascular, Ground, Meristematic, and Dermal tissue and also in detail, very clearly, with colourful supporting pictures

Tissue Part 3:Epithelial Tissue

After watching this video, you would be able to know the structure, location and function of animal tissues and could easily notice the location of epithelial tissues, squamous or stratified epithelial tissue, cuboidal, columnar or ciliated epithelial tissue

Tissue Part 4: Connective tissue bone and and cartilage
Tissue Part 5: Connective tissue Blood

Every one of you has blood, circulating in your body from heart to body parts and from body parts to heart. What is that blood? With what it is made? What are its characteristics?

Tissue Part 6: Identification of blood groups

Anyone of you can check your blood group, with the help of an antiserum kit available in the market. whether it is A, B, AB or O, and even whether it is positive or negative.

Tissue part 7: Muscular and Nervous tissue
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Ashray Akruti is a registered nonprofit, non-religious, Non- Government organization working for people with disabilities with a focus on children with hearing loss. Established in Hyderabad in the year 1996, the organization implements projects across Telangana and Andra Pradesh.


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Phone: +91 70327 00810, 70327 00810

E-mail: info@ashrayakruti.in
Website: www.ashrayakruti.org

Ashray Akruti is a registered nonprofit, non-religious, Non- Government organization working for people with disabilities with a focus on children with hearing loss. Established in Hyderabad in the the year 1996, the organization implements projects across


Ashray Akruti, 8-3-1027/A2, Lane opp to Indian Bank, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad, 500073,Telangana, India, Phone: 040-40042250 E-mail: ashrayakruti@yahoo.com Website: www.ashrayakruti.org