The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. The volunteers from ‘the STATE STREET strongly believe in this idea of kindness. They had organised ‘Funday at smash in- Orbit mall’ for the hearing impaired students of Ashray Akruti on 10th November 2022.
Who wouldn’t love a joyful fun time with their friends? The day was filled with Arcade Gaming Arena, Bowling alleys, Virtual Reality Games at Timezone Inorbit mall. Especially while playing bumper car game, those laughs, and excitement of students makes us time travel into our childhood. “I hit you first!” Then after dodging to avoid friends to take over! That was pretty electrifying. Students tested their strokes by getting bowled by the likes of Bumrah and Shane Warne.Wooho! Straight drives and cover drives were astonishingly brilliant. This was followed by Rhythmic steps for the rock and pop music with chuckles and giggles.Ashray Akruti strives to provide quality and inclusive education, healthcare, and sustainable livelihoods to people with disabilities and marginalised sections of the society.