A small step towards bringing a change makes lots of difference in the society especially among children with Special Needs. Blue yonder is being a change maker, is capable to bring lots of difference among the children with hearing impairment. The guests of honour Ms. Kavitha Tumuluri, Vice President – Cloud Operations, Ms. Sowjanya Ananthuni, Senior Director – Product Development and member of Blue Yonder CSR committee and Mr Srinivasa Chaganti, Director, Blue Yonder has distributed Hearing Aids, Uniforms and Student Desk to the children during the donation program organised on 31st, March, 2023 at Srinagar colony, Hyderabad.
While addressing the gathering guest of honour Ms. Kavitha Tumuluri, Vice President – Cloud Operations, has appreciated the tremendous efforts of Ashray Akruti in bringing the change of equality and happiness among the children with special needs. She also stressed on the importance of fulfilling the basic needs of the children such as Hearing Aids and Uniforms which will boost-up their communication skills and makes them self-confident.